One day I went for a run. While I was running I found this small piece of paper on the ground.

I almost ran right past it but I decided to pick it up. After I opened it up, I was a bit surprised.

I felt lucky, and decided to take it home. On my way home, my mind was racing trying to think of what I would spend my new-found fortune on. Nice dinner? Rent payment? New running shoes?

The Solution

My final decision was simple. I would use the money to help other people. The next week I took the money to the bank which was offering a special $100 bonus for opening a new account. I turned my $100 into $200 overnight. I decided to help 100 different people at $2 each to help make their day and spread the joy that I originally felt.

This began what I call the 101 Happy People Project


I brought Gushers and Squeez-Its to our intramural softball game- so that my team could have treats after the game, just like little league.


Donated $2 to the tipping bucket


On another cold and rainy day, a cold wet woman was begging for spare change.  She got some chicken nuggets and warm cookies from McDonalds.


While at the register, the cashier asked me if I would like to donate $1 to support the troops.  I did.


I learned a lot about service today.  As I was having a very rough day, I asked my friends to go out for ice cream with me.  I ended up buying them a root beer float and some frostys. 

The sweet treats didn't cheer me up, but rather the good company and the feeling I get from helping others is what did the trick. It sounds cheesy- but I have found that when we have personal problems, the solution is seldom found by only trying to help ourselves.


My roommate was feeling very sick, so on my way home I stopped by the store and grabbed him a can of chicken noodle soup.